> Lebanese Directory
> Business
> Real Estate
> RGN Group
RGN Group: An internationally bred professional practice firm specializing in Client Representative Services, Architectural Design, Project Managament consultancy and Green Building Design. Founded in 1986 and operational in ME, EU, GCC, US, China and Asia Pacific.
This site is filed in the category "Business > Real Estate".
The domain of this site is the following: www.rgngroup.com.
The entry was created on 10/15/2010 in the Lebanese Directory.
In total, 1956 hits were recorded by LebGuide since its addition.
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All the links in this sub-category "Real Estate" are listed below:
Di3aya Classified Ads
Classified ads in Lebanon: Real estate, cars, computers, travel, restaurants, electronics, pets, professional services...
Hamdan Group
Topographical surveying, route executing, urban planning, infra structure studies, digital Maps...
Landlord Real Estate Lebanon
With more than 20 years of experience in real estate in Europe, Landlord Real Estate has acquired an outstanding know-how and is a consultant to sell, buy, rent and manage properties.
RED House Group
Real Estates Development House RED House SAL is a real estates investment and development company established in Beirut since 2005 and specialized in development and investment in selected projects in emerging markets. The founders are a solid Lebanese and Saudi Group that have over 20 years experience in dealing with property development and property investment...
RGN Group
An internationally bred professional practice firm specializing in Client Representative Services, Architectural Design, Project Managament consultancy and Green Building Design. Founded in 1986 and operational in ME, EU, GCC, US, China and Asia Pacific.
Sakan MP
Lebanese real estate company providing a selection of residential and commercial properties across Lebanon...
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