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Home > Lebanon in Videos > Food   UPDATED!

Watch these 8 videos to see the beauty, diversity and rich culture that Lebanon has to offer!

Lebanon in Videos: History

Lebanon in Videos: Ski

Lebanon in Videos: Reconstruction

Lebanon in Videos: Food

Lebanon in Videos: Nighlife

Lebanon in Videos: Wine

Lebanon in Videos: Summer

Lebanon in Videos: CNN 2009
CNN 2009

Food is concerned in Lebanon as one of our national treasures. Most of our recipes have very deep roots in our old tradition. Each area of Lebanon has its own specialities. Lebanon is one of the richest countries with water. We have very fresh products. A typical Lebanese meal is a a mezze which is a combination of cold starters, hot starters, salads, kebbe, hommos and then the main dish which can be either chicken, barbecue, lam and rice... We have fish in Lebanon that you will not find anywhere else... The manakich are small pizzas. The bread play a major role in our cuisine. A lot of importance is given to our national sweets. The Lebanese cuisine is the best of the world...

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Last Update of LebGuide.com: February 2016